Wednesday, 8 April 2009


We live in a world of a myriad web of misconceptions. They stem from rumors, gossip, hasty judgments the works. Everyday everything is misconstrued and blown if not out of proportion, blown beyond repair and recognition.

We hear and we decide and pass judgments about things that w have no control over. We base knowledge on other people’s perspectives and we see the world the way it is presented to us. Not the way it appears to us, but the way we see it, through the eyes and ears of others.
It is easy to say I know it all, I have been there and done that! But no one ever has done anything anyone else has ever done. You can only do and feel what you have chosen to do and feel. You can never step in reality into another’s shoes.

How can you trust the words of people over reality? People who apparently have no plausible connection to the reality. People who are nosey busy bodies and think it is in their interest and it is their business to keep a tab on the rest of mankind. What do they think they are doing? A favour? Yeah Right! It seems absurd. But that seems to be the way of the world.

We choose to make judgments based on opinions and perceptions, not based on original individual thought and action. We are so caught up in the web of desire to talk about other people, their clothes, their love interests, their choice of food, the way they behave, we even grudge people their happiness and their individuality.

What a tangled web we weave, when we first choose to deceive! We weave the web and we deceive, yes, but we do that to ourselves not to anyone else. We live n a world of self depreciation and pitiful gossip. Not because that is the way it is but because that’s the way we have chosen to make it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In retrospection I found this very True....