Tuesday, 5 May 2009


I sit on a throne,
In a land of dreamers,
I sit restlessly still,

I forget how I felt
When I last wept,
How the tears rolled,
Washing down the pain,
In scattering torrents,
Rebelling attempts to ease…

I forget how I felt,
To be alone, lonely, tired,
Wanting to speak volumes,
But words failing me,
As I sat alone with my angst,
Its pain and sadness,
My only company…

I forget how I felt,
Brooding and dwelling,
On thoughts refusing to clear,
A sigh of deep regret,
For all that I had done,
Of thorns and nails strewn,
Across my life’s battlefield,

I forget how it felt,
I remember but I forget,
All of it an Alzheimer haze.


Envie said...

"I sit restlessly still" - that is so you Shre! I miss you! :( You write so fabulously well!

Unknown said...

Nice Post:)