Sunday, 3 May 2009

Bad Taste

Dark eerie silences that rip though,
Gnawing deep into painful recesses,
Oblivious to everything and everyone,
meaningless, still in pursuit of questions,
Lingering, unanswered clawing ones,
Hanging in the stillness of the air,
Orphaned by the answers that refuse to surface,
Silences that are walls, blocking even light,
Blank mundane boring replies and walls,
mocking the very essence of love,
Impatience laughing at thought,
Jeering and bemused with life,
The twists and turns of winding passages,
Horrid empty echoes of forced normalcy,
Silences that kill, one cell at a time,
Devouring love and joy,
Leaving a bad taste in your soul…

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